Continually Improving & Reducing Our Environmental Impact

Continually Improving & Reducing Our Environmental Impact

Here at Lateral Design Studio we are committed to minimising our carbon footprint. Whether, this is through the use of recycled materials in our products, reusing or recycling packaging materials, reducing waste and energy usage in our office, or even promoting the use of travel alternatives, where possible, through the use of e-mail and video or phone conferencing.

“Our team is constantly working to make our products and
manufacturing processes even more sustainable.” - John Harte, Managing Director

We supply many different materials which are used in the manufacturing processes of both our channels and drain grates. All of which are created with environmental impact in mind.

Sustainability of Materials

Our polypropylene products greatly utilise recycled materials. Our manufacturers also continue to reduce waste in their operations which includes a reductions in energy usage, a 67% reduction in scrap, and 50% reduction in hydraulic oil use.

Cast Iron
Our cast iron is manufactured here in the UK as well as the US. We make every effort to ensure that any imports from overseas are kept to a minimum by building orders over an extended period to minimise multiple shipments.

Stainless Steel
Our full range of stainless steel products are designed, manufactured and fabricated in the UK meaning that our carbon footprint is kept to an absolute minimum. We also encourage suppliers to maximise steel sheet usage during production to avoid any additional wastage.

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